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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl
Module: ThirdParty

Returns interrupt values.


void avl::DAQNavi_GetDigitalInterrupt
	DAQNavi_State& ioState,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inDeviceID,
	int inSrcChannel,
	int inPort,
	atl::Array<int>& outPortValues


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified
ioState DAQNavi_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value
inDeviceID Optional<const String&> NIL Description or index of device
Input value
inSrcChannel int 0 - + Channel number which snap event occurs
Input value
inPort int 0 - + Port number to scan when interrupt occurred
Output value
outPortValues Array<int>& Port values scanned when interrupt occurred


Board driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with digital I/O cards using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect to a card it is required to install DAQNavi SDK software. Currently Aurora Vision Studio requires DAQNavi SDK version 4.1.3.

DAQNavi SDK can be downloaded from the following website:

Device identification

When there is only one device connected to computer, inDeviceID field can be set to Auto. In this situation first available device will be found and connected.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple devices connected to computer. Set this field to Device Description (for example "DemoDevice, BID#000"), or to Device Number(for example "0"). Both parameters should be available in Advantech Navigator.

See Also