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Brick destroy (Game)

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter ObstaclesCollisions

Macrofilter MovePalletWithClipping

Macrofilter HandleMovement

Macrofilter HandleCollisions

Macrofilter CheckForFailure

Macrofilter DrawScene(True)

Macrofilter DrawScene(False)

Macrofilter GameLoop

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
Loop Put this filter into a task that should have a loop, but does not have any other loop generators (e.g. GrabImage).
EmptyImage Most typically used to prepare a background for image drawing tools.
ClassifyByRange E.g. selection of the objects (e.g. blobs) whose associated values (e.g. area) meet the specified minimum and maximum requirements.
DrawRegions_MultiColor Draws regions on an image with multiple colors.
CreateCircleRegion Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle.
DrawRegions_SingleColor Draws regions on an image with a single color.
DilateRegion Making the region thicker or filling-in small holes within it.
CreateBoxRegion Creates a rectangular region corresponding to a given box.
CreateIntegerSequence Creates an arithmetic sequence of integer numbers.
DrawStrings_MultiColor Draws strings (text) on an image with multiple colors.
RegionDifference Computes a region containing pixels from the first input region but not from the second input region.
GetKeyboardKeyState Checks if the specified keyboard key is down and if it is toggled.
RegionIntersection Computes the common part of two regions.
RegionBoundingBox Computes the smallest box containing a region.
DrawCircles_SingleColor Draws circles on an image with a single color.
TranslateRegion Translates a region by a given number of pixels along each axis.

Further Readings

  • Blob Analysis - Article presents detailed information about the Blob Analysis technique.