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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: Vision3DStandard

Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method.


void avl::FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid
	const avl::Point3DGrid& inPointGrid,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Region&> inRoi,
	avl::Plane3D& outPlane,
	atl::Optional<atl::Array<float>&> outDistances = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<float&> outSignedDistanceSum = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<float&> outDistanceSum = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<atl::Array<float>&> outSquaredDistances = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<float&> outSquaredDistanceSum = atl::NIL


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inPointGrid const Point3DGrid& Input point grid
Input value
inRoi Optional<const Region&> NIL Region of interest
Output value
outPlane Plane3D& Fitted plane
Output value
outDistances Optional<Array<float>&> NIL Distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSignedDistanceSum Optional<float&> NIL Sum of signed distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane
Output value
outDistanceSum Optional<float&> NIL Sum of distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistances Optional<Array<float>&> NIL Squared distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistanceSum Optional<float&> NIL Sum of squared distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value atl::NIL to these parameters: outDistances, outSignedDistanceSum, outDistanceSum, outSquaredDistances, outSquaredDistanceSum.

Read more about Optional Outputs.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError No points to fit the plane to in FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid.