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Module: Vision3DStandard

Creates an image of z-values of the given points equalizing surface scales.


Allows for creating depth image from an ordered cloud of points.
Name Type Range Description
inSurface Surface Input surface
inPixelType PlainType Output image pixel type
inResampleSurfaceMode ResampleSurfaceMode
inXOffset Double* Offset for the X axis of the output image; if set to Nil, surface X offset is chosen
inYOffset Double* Offset for the Y axis of the output image; if set to Nil, surface Y offset is chosen
inPixelOffset Double* Offset that the input surface values have in the output image; if set to Nil, surface Z offset is chosen
inPixelScale Double* Scale that the input surface values have in the output image; if set to Nil, surface Z scale is chosen
inMissingPointValue Real* Value assigned to pixels where point is undefined
outImage Image Input surface depth image
outSurfaceFormat SurfaceFormat Format of the surface that the output image represents

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of CreateImageFromSurface filter group.