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Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix.

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
CalibrateWorldPlane_Default Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix. World plane origin and axes are unspecified. Useful for image rectification or distance measurements.

Image rectification, distance measurements.

CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix using sparse world coordinate information, i.e. world coordinates are known for only a few points of the grid.

Image to world coordinates transformations.

CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix using multiple grids, using sparse world coordinate information.

Image to world coordinates transformations.

CalibrateWorldPlane_Manual Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix. Image and their corresponding world points are directly specified (no grid needed).

Image to world coordinates transformations.

CalibrateWorldPlane_OffgridOrigin Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix, with world origin and axes specified in the image coordinates. Note that this is a filter for rather rarely seen special cases and it is usually better to use the CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled filter.

Image to world coordinates transformations.