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Fourier Analysis

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter ConvertForDisplay

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
FrequencyDomain_ModulusImage Computes the modulus of each frequency domain image pixel.
TestImage Makes it possible to quickly present results of various image processing filters.
LogarithmImage Transforms an image in such a way that a quotient on the input image becomes a difference on the output image. This can be useful for dealing with variable illumination.
FourierTransform Transforms an image into frequency domain using Fourier transformation.
DrawCircles_SingleColor Draws circles on an image with a single color.
NormalizeImage Aims at better using the image's dynamic range to represent an interesting subset of pixel values.
InverseFourierTransform Transforms an image in frequency domain back to spatial domain using inverse Fourier transformation.
ConvertPixelType Changes the type of pixel components.