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AVS.ImageAlongArc Method

Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.



public static void ImageAlongArc
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.Arc2D inAxisArc,
	AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D? inAxisArcAlignment,
	int inScanWidth,
	AvlNet.Axis inAxisType,
	AvlNet.InterpolationMethod inInterpolationMethod,
	AvlNet.Image outImage,
	out AvlNet.Arc2D outAlignedAxisArc,
	IList<AvlNet.Path> diagSamplingPoints


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inAxisArcAvlNet.Arc2DInput arc.
inAxisArcAlignmentAvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?Adjusts the axis arc to the position of the inspected object. Default value: atl::NIL.
inScanWidthint<1, INF>5The width of the stripe of pixels along the given arc. Default value: 5.
inAxisTypeAvlNet.AxisYType of axis the transformed axis arc will be parallel to. Default value: Y.
inInterpolationMethodAvlNet.InterpolationMethodBilinearThe interpolation method used to compute pixel brightness in locations of not-integer coordinates. Default value: Bilinear.
outImageAvlNet.ImageOutput image.
outAlignedAxisArcAvlNet.Arc2DInput arc after transformation (in the image coordinates).
diagSamplingPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Path>Array of paths each one containing the sampling points corresponding to one row of the resulting image.

Function Overrides

See also