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AVS.CreateImageFromSurface Method

Creates an image of z-values of the given points equalizing surface scales.



public static void CreateImageFromSurface
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.PlainType inPixelType,
	AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode inResampleSurfaceMode,
	double? inXOffset,
	double? inYOffset,
	double? inPixelOffset,
	double? inPixelScale,
	float? inMissingPointValue,
	AvlNet.Image outImage,
	INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceFormat> outSurfaceFormat


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inPixelTypeAvlNet.PlainTypeRealOutput image pixel type. Default value: Real.
inXOffsetdouble?Offset for the X axis of the output image; if set to Nil, surface X offset is chosen. Default value: atl::NIL.
inYOffsetdouble?Offset for the Y axis of the output image; if set to Nil, surface Y offset is chosen. Default value: atl::NIL.
inPixelOffsetdouble?Offset that the input surface values have in the output image; if set to Nil, surface Z offset is chosen. Default value: atl::NIL.
inPixelScaledouble?<0.0, INF>1.0DScale that the input surface values have in the output image; if set to Nil, surface Z scale is chosen. Default value: 1.0D.
inMissingPointValuefloat?0.0fValue assigned to pixels where point is undefined. Default value: 0.0f.
outImageAvlNet.ImageInput surface depth image.
outSurfaceFormatAvlNet.INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceFormat>Format of the surface that the output image represents. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.

Function Overrides

See also