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AVS.CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid Method

Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix using multiple grids, using sparse world coordinate information.



public static void CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid
	IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>> inImageGrids,
	IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>> inLabeledWorldPoints,
	NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel> inCameraModel,
	float? inGridSpacing,
	float inGridThickness,
	bool inInvertedWorldY,
	AvlNet.RectificationTransform outTransform,
	IList<List<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>> outGridWorldPoints,
	out float? outComputedGridSpacing,
	out float outRmsImageError,
	out float outRmsWorldError,
	IList<float> outMaxReprojectionErrors,
	IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>> outReprojectionErrorSegments,
	IList<float> outGridRotations,
	IList<AvlNet.Vector2D> outGridTranslations


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageGridsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>Array of annotated calibration grids.
inLabeledWorldPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>Sparse array of world coordinate points. Annotations need to correspond to those in the inImageGrid input.
inCameraModelAvlNet.NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>For undistortion of inGridImagePoints. If not supplied, the filter will assume that grids came from undistorted images. Default value: atl::NIL.
inGridSpacingfloat?<0.000001f, INF>World distance between grid indices. Used when spacing cannot be computed from supplied inLabeledWorldPoints. Default value: atl::NIL.
inGridThicknessfloat0.0fThe world plane will be shifted by given amount in direction perpendicular to the grid to compensate for grid thickness. Default value: 0.0f.
inInvertedWorldYboolFalseSet to true if world coordinate system has right-handed orientation, also known as mathematical or standard. Default value: False.
outGridWorldPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.List<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>For each grid: Array of world coordinates of the calibration grid points.
outComputedGridSpacingfloat?World distance between grid indices. NIL when there is no enough information to compute the spacing.
outRmsImageErrorfloatRMS reprojection error of inImageGrids onto the image plane, in pixels. This is a partial error characterizing inaccuracies in perspective estimation, excluding the influence of world point labeling.
outRmsWorldErrorfloatRMS reprojection error of inLabeledGridIds onto the world plane, in world units. This is a partial error characterizing inaccuracies with labeling of world coordinate system, excluding perspective estimation.
outMaxReprojectionErrorsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>For each grid: Maximum reprojection error of inImageGrids onto the image plane, in pixels. This is a partial error characterizing inaccuracies in perspective estimation, excluding the influence of world point labeling.
outReprojectionErrorSegmentsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>For each grid: Array of segments connecting inImageGrid points to their reprojections. Note that these segments depict only inaccuracies in perspective estimation, excluding inaccuracies due to the world point labeling.
outGridRotationsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Grids' rotations on the world plane.
outGridTranslationsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Vector2D>Grids' positions on the world plane.

Function Overrides

See also