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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: FoundationBasic

Sends a GET request to server and receives a text answer.


void avl::Http_SendRequest_GET
	const atl::String& inUrl,
	const atl::Array<atl::String>& inFields,
	const atl::Array<atl::String>& inFieldsData,
	atl::Conditional<atl::String>& outAnswer,
	int& outResponseCode


Name Type Default Description
inUrl const String& URL of request. Without parameters.
inFields const Array<String>& Request data to send. It will be automatically encoded.
inFieldsData const Array<String>& Request data to send. It will be automatically encoded.
outAnswer Conditional<String>& Answer text if provided in UTF-8 encoding.
outResponseCode int& Answer code. Typically 200 for OK.


Filter sends a GET request to the server. Filter waits for the sever text answer.


Filter executed with parameters:

  • inUrl = http://localhost/test
  • inFields = ["param1", "param2"]
  • inFieldsData = ["1", "2"]

Request sent to the server:

GET /test?param1=1&param2=2 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: Adaptive Vision/1.0
Accept: */*


Filter only accepts text answers encoded using UTF-8 or plain ASCII. To receive answer in arbitrary format please use Http_SendRequest_GET_ByteBuffer.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Different size of inFields and inFieldsData in Http_SendRequest_GET.
DomainError Empty inUrl in Http_SendRequest_GET.
DomainError Invalid inUrl in Http_SendRequest_GET.
DomainError Secured HTTPS connection is not supported Http_SendRequest_GET.

See Also