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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Motion Analysis and Object Tracking » cvEstimateRigidTransformAVL


Computes optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.

Name Type Description
inSrcpt Point2DArray First input point2D array.
inDstpt Point2DArray Second input point2D array.
inFullAffine Bool If true, the function finds an optimal affine transformation with no additional restrictions [6 degrees of freedom]. Otherwise, the class of transformations to choose from is limited to combinations of translation, rotation, and uniform scaling [5 degrees of freedom].
outTransform Matrix Calculated transform.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Input arrays must have the same number of points and must not be empty in cvEstimateRigidTransform.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.