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Application Settings

Adaptive Vision Studio is a customizable environment and all its settings can be adjusted in the Settings window, located in the Tools » Settings menu. Falling back to defaults is possible with the Reset Environment button located at the bottom of the window. Here is the list of the Application Settings:

  1. Environment
  2. Program Execution
  3. Filters
  4. File Associations
  5. Program Edition
  6. Project files
  7. Messages

1. Environment


Complexity level:
Selecting tools level complexity.
User interface language.
User interface color theme.
Display short project name in the Title Bar
If checked, only name of the current project is displayed in the Main Window title. Otherwise, full path to the project file is displayed.


Load last project on application startup
Loads previously opened program at AVStudio startup.


Show date column
Adds or removes 'Date' column in the Console.
Show time column
Adds or removes 'Time' column in the Console.
Show message level column
Adds or removes 'Level' column in the Console.


High quality view
Disabling this option will increase studio performance on slower computer.
Display region border in image previews
Displays region bounding rectangle.

2. Program Execution


Break when an exception occurred
Automatically breaks program when exception occurred.
Break when a warning occurred
Automatically breaks program when warning occurred.
Break on assertion failed
Automatically breaks program when assertion failed.
Diagnostic mode
Enables or disables computation of diagnostic output values.
Previews Update Mode
Sets how program will be visualized in context of previews refreshing.
Display performance statistics automatically when execution is finished
Automatically opens the Statistics window after program execution.
Save changes before execution
Automatically saves program before execution start.
Use global rerun mode
If checked, all filters following the selected one will be executed after rerun.


Display HMI in Standalone Window
Displays HMI in a separate window as if it was run in Adaptive Vision Executor.

3. Filters


Auto reload filters
Tracks loaded filters directories for changes and reloads filters if any has been detected.

Filter Catalog

Close open groups
Allows only one opened group at a time.
Merge filters by group
Allows AVStudio to combine several filters items into single convenient tool.
Search bar enabled
Enables searching in the Filter Catalog.
Group categories by library
Filters in Filters Catalog will be split by library origin.


Show small icons in toolbox
Showing small icons in the Toolbox allows to unlock Toolbox window as a small convenient set of tools.

Filter Properties

Show context help
Shows help for current selected property at the bottom of the Filter Properties window.

Project Explorer

Show macrofilter usage
Shows usage count of each macrofilter.

4. File Associations

Default Program

Check .AVproj file association on startup
Check if current program is the default for opening .AVproj Files on startup.

5. Program Edition

Macrofilter Navigator

Expanded tree view
Shows parent-child relations between macrofilters. If not checked, macrofilters will be listed without any marked relations.
Show macrofilters preview in tooltips
Shows the graphical previews of macrofilters as tooltips.
Auto hide macrofilter list
Hides the expanded list of macrofilters on selection.


Show warning when connecting diagnostic outputs
Enables warning on creating diagnostic connections.
Show comments
Enables filter instances comments.
Wrap comments
Wraps long comments or, when unchecked, clips comments to single line.
Wrap formulas
Expands formula blocks to display entire formulas.
Block quick commands visibility:
Defines the visibility of block quick commands (for adding new inputs and outputs).
Editor Zoom [%]:
Defines a program editor font and image size.
Filter icon size:
Defines the size of the filter icon in Program Editor.
Use larger snap size for editor points
Allows easier dragging of points in editors, useful on touchscreens.
Editor view type:
Enables choosing the information amount displayed in the program editor.
Highlight compatible ports while creating connections
Highlights compatible ports when either dragging global parameter or filter port.
Tooltip delay [ms]:
Defines a delay in milliseconds of the tooltip appearance for hovered program elements.
Show indices of filter instances
If checked, indices of filter instances will be visible.
Show array and conditional markers on filter ports
If checked, ports that accepts or introduce array ([]), conditional (?) or optional (*) data will include appropriate information in their names.
Add generic filters as uninstantiated
If checked, generic filters will be added to program as uninstantiated, without prompting for choosing data type.
Close filter variant selection dialog after filter insertion
If checked, filter variant selection dialog will close after inserting one filter. Uncheck to insert multiple filters.
Preserve port previews when extracting macrofilter
If checked, port previews of filters extracted to new macrofilter will be preserved.

Program Analysis

Check array synchronization problems during program edition
If checked, potential array synchronization problems caused by user action are detected and require confirmation.
Show array synchronization in Program Editor
If checked, array synchronization is presented in Program Edition.
Check array synchronization during program loading
If checked, array synchronization is verified during program loading.
Check array synchronization before program start
If checked, array synchronization is verified before program start.

6. Project files

Project Explorer

Watch for project file changes
Notifies, when project file has been changed i.e. by external program.

7. Messages

Show these messages:

Warn when trying to modify running program
If checked, warning will be displayed before stopping program to make modification in it.
Ask about opening an example documentation on startup
If checked, application will notify about an example's description in documentation.
Warn when trying to replace existing preview
When checked, a warning is shown to prevent from accidentally removing carefully prepared preview.
Show warning when reconnecting inputs
Enables warning on creating a connection which would replace existing connection.
Show message after extracting macrofilter
If checked, additional help message is shown each time a macrofilter is extracted from selection.
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