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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Region Spatial Transforms » AlignRegion


Aligns a region to a coordinate system.

Name Type Range Description
inRegion Region Input region
inAlignment CoordinateSystem2D Coordinate system to align to
inInverse Bool Switches to the inverse transform
inFrameWidth Integer* 0 - Output region's frame width
inFrameHeight Integer* 0 - Output region's frame height
outAlignedRegion Region


Most typically used, when there is a region extracted after performing CropImageToRectangle. This filter makes it possible to align the region with the original image.


AlignRegion applies inAlignment transform to an input region.


AlignRegion performed on the sample region, inAlignment.Origin = (280, -120), inAlignment.Angle = 45, inAlignment.Scale = 1.0 and inInverse = False. The inAlignment.Origin is drawn on the first image in blue.


Region is a pixel-precise object, so geometrical transform may cause its deformation. Consider using a closed Path instead, which can be converted to a region in the last step.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also