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Captures a frame using SynView.

Name Type Description
inDeviceID String* Tries to find the camera in all available IDs (UserID, VendorName, ModelName...)
inColorFormat SynViewColorFormat Image color format
inAcquisitionParams SynViewAcquisitionParams
inImageFormatParams SynViewImageFormatParams
inAnalogParams SynViewAnalogParams
outImage Image Captured frame


Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with cameras using their vendor's SDK. In order to connect with the camera, it is required to install SynView SDK software with camera dedicated drivers.

SynView SDK can be downloaded from the following website:

To verify the driver installation, you can run SynView Explorer (in the directory where camera drivers where installed). If the camera was detected and you can see the view from the camera, you can use SynView camera SDK in Adaptive Vision Studio.

Recommended SynView SDK version for Adaptive Vision Studio usage is 1.03.003.

Camera identification

When there is only one camera connected, the field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In this situation, the first available camera will be used.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple cameras connected to the computer. DeviceID can be set to:

  • UserID - User ID (also known as nickname) of the selected device,
  • VendorName - Name of the manufacturer of the device,
  • ModelName - Model name of the device,
  • DisplayName - Device display name,
  • IPAddress - Current IP address of the selected device (GigE Vision devices only),
  • MACAddress - MAC address of the selected device (GigE Vision devices only),
  • SerialNumber - String representation of camera's unique serial number.
Camera parameters

All parameters passed to camera filters are optional, setting them to 'Auto' leaves related parameters unchanged in the camera (device default or user set configuration).

To change other and more advanced camera parameters use the configuration tool "SynView Explorer" available with SynView SDK. Refer to the SDK documentation to find information about parameters and how to create default startup configuration.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of SynView_GrabImage filter group.

See Also