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AccessMatrixReturn matrix dimensions and its elements row-by-row as a real array.
AddMatricesAdd two matrices of identical dimensions
ApplyPCATransformationApplies previously obtained PCA transformation coefficients to new data.
CombineMatricesCombine two matrices horizontally
ConcatenateMatricesCombine two matrices horizontally
CreateIdentityMatrixCreate a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal, and zeros elsewhere.
CreateUniformMatrixCreate a matrix with the specified dimensions and filled with an uniform element value.
GetMatrixColumnGets the values from a single column of a matrix.
GetMatrixElementGets the value of a single element of a matrix.
GetMatrixRowGets the values from a single row of a matrix.
InvertMatrixFind the inverse of a square matrix.
MakeMatrixCreate a matrix of specified dimensions with initial elements given row-by-row.
MatrixDeterminantFind the determinant of a square matrix.
MatrixPseudoEigenvectorsFind the pseudo-eigenvalues and pseudo-eigenvectors of a symmetrical square matrix.
MultiplyMatricesCombine two matrices horizontally
MultiplyMatrixByRealMultiply all elements of a matrix by a value.
NormalizeMatrixDataTreats Matrix as a data frame, where examples are in rows while columns represent features, and normalizes the data by subtracting mean from each column and dividing it by its standard deviation.
PCAPerforms the PCA on provided data, create the feature vector and normalization coefficients (mean and standard deviation of variables)
ReversePCATransformationReverses PCA process. Can be used to transform data back to original feature space.
SetMatrixColumnSets elements of a matrix column.
SetMatrixElementSets a single element of a matrix.
SetMatrixRowSets elements of a matrix row.
SkipEmptyMatrixSecures against domain errors caused by empty matrices.
StackMatricesCombine two matrices vertically
SubtractMatricesSubtract two matrices of identical dimensions
TransposeMatrixFind the transpose of a matrix.