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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Image Tiling » CreateImageTiles_AsBoxes


Generates array of Boxes, which divide image in, potentially overlapping, tiles.

Name Type Range Description
inImageFormat ImageFormat Format of image for which tiles will be produced.
inTileWidth Integer 1 - Demanded tile width.
inTileHeight Integer* 1 - Demanded tile height; equals inTileWidth when set to Auto.
inHorizontalStep Integer* 1 - Defines horizontal space between consecutive tiles; defaults to tile width. Can be used to produce overlapping tiles.
inVerticalStep Integer* 1 - Defines vertical space between consecutive tiles; defaults to tile height. Can be used to produce overlapping tiles.
inOverflowControl Bool When set to true, overflowing tiles will be removed form outTiles array.
outTiles BoxArray Array containing produced tiles.
outRowCount Integer Number of generated tiles rows.
outColumnCount Integer Number of generated tiles per row.


Creates an array of boxes.


CreateImageTiles_asBoxes with inTileWidth = 50 and inOverflowControl = true.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of CreateImageTiles filter group.

See Also