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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Hikvision » Hikvision_StartAcquisition


Initializes and starts image acquisition in a device.

Name Type Range Description
inDeviceID String* Camera serial number or name, Auto = first camera
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - Sets size of image queue (on acquisition start)
inPixelFormat HikvisionPixelFormat Image pixel format (set on acquisiton start)
inRoi Box* Region of interest, Auto = full frame (set on acquisiton start)
inFrameRate Real* 0.0 - Sets the frame rate limit
inFrameRateAuto Bool True if frame rate is not limited
inExposureTime Real* 0.0 - Sets the target exposure time in microseconds
inExposureTimeAuto Bool True if using automatic exposure time
inGain Real* 0.0 - Sets gain in dB
inGainAuto Bool True if using automatic gain

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.