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Captures an image from a Hikvision device.

Name Type Range Description
inDeviceID String* Camera serial number or name, Auto = first camera
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - Sets size of image queue (on acquisition start)
inPixelFormat HikvisionPixelFormat Image pixel format (set on acquisiton start)
inRoi Box* Region of interest, Auto = full frame (set on acquisiton start)
inFrameRate Real* 0.0 - Sets the frame rate limit
inFrameRateAuto Bool True if frame rate is not limited
inExposureTime Real* 0.0 - Sets the target exposure time in microseconds
inExposureTimeAuto Bool True if using automatic exposure time
inGain Real* 0.0 - Sets gain in dB
inGainAuto Bool True if using automatic gain
outImage Image Captured frame
outFrameID Integer? Captured frame ID

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of Hikvision_GrabImage filter group.