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Geometry 3D Features

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Box3DCenterReturns the center of the input box in 3D.
Box3DCharacteristicPointReturns a characteristic point of a box in 3D.
Box3DSurfaceAreaReturns the surface area of the input box in 3D.
Box3DVolumeReturns the volume of the input box in 3D.
Boxes3DBoundingBox3D_OrNilComputes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty.
BoxesBoundingBox3DComputes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D.
Circle3DAreaComputes the area of a circle in 3D.
Circle3DBoundingBoxComputes the smallest box in 3D containing a circle in 3D.
Circle3DPerimeterLengthComputes the length of a circle in 3D perimeter.
Plane3DNormalVectorComputes the normal vector of a line
Plane3DOrientationComputes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes.
Point3DGridHoleFinds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud.
Point3DGridValidPointsRegionComputes region of locations where points are valid in a points 3D grid and where they are invalid.
PointsBoundingBox3DComputes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D.
PointsBoundingBox3D_OrNilComputes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty.
PointsMassCenter3DComputes the central point of the input points.
Segment3DBisectorComputes a plane passing through the center of a segment in 3D at a right angle.
Segment3DBoundingBoxComputes the smallest box in 3D containing a segment in 3D.
Segment3DCenterComputes the center point of a segment in 3D.
Segment3DLengthComputes the length of a segment in 3D.
Segment3DLineComputes the line in 3D passing through a segment.
Segment3DVectorReturns the vector [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1]
SurfaceAreaComputes the surface area of given surface.
SurfaceBoundingBoxComputes the bounding box 3D of given surface.
SurfaceBoundingBox_OrNilComputes the bounding box 3D of given surface; returns NIL if no valid point is present.
SurfaceFlatnessComputes the surface flatness i.e. how thick the surface is according to the input plane.
SurfaceMassCenterComputes the mass center of surface points.
SurfaceMaximalPointFinds the surface point with maximal Z coordinate.
SurfaceMedianFinds the median Z coordinate of the surface.
SurfaceMinimalPointFinds the surface point with minimal Z coordinate.
SurfaceValidPointsRegionComputes region of locations where points are valid in a surface and where they are invalid.
Vector3DAzimuthComputes the angle between a 3D vector's projection to the XY plane and the X axis measured toward Y axis, as an angle in the range from 0 to 360.
Vector3DElevationComputes the angle between a 3D vector's projection to the XY plane and itself measured toward Z axis, as an angle in the range from -90 to 90.
Vector3DLengthComputes the length of a 3D vector.