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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 2D Spatial Transforms » AlignArc


Moves an arc from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.

Name Type Description
inArc Arc2D
inAlignment CoordinateSystem2D Coordinate system to align to
inInverse Bool Switches to the inverse transform
outAlignedArc Arc2D


Required when there is an arc defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.


AlignArc aligns the inArc to the inAlignment coordinate system. The input arc is translated, rotated and scaled.

The inAlignment is usually a coordinate system found by some template matching algorithm.


AlignArc performed on the sample arc. The inAlignment is drawn on the first image in blue.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also