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Sets parameter of type Float in XIMEA device.


void avl::XiApi_SetParamFloat
	XIAPIState& ioState,
	const atl::Optional<atl::String>& inDeviceID,
	const atl::String& inParameter,
	float inValue


Name Type Default Description
ioState XIAPIState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inDeviceID const Optional<String>& NIL Camera chip ID or camera index
inParameter const String& Parameter name
inValue float Value to set


The value of the parameter is set in every filter iteration. Please note, that if you set some parameter value in this filter you should not modify it by XiApi_GrabImage filter - it may cause problems.

The possible values (strings) of inParameter input can be found in the XIMEA documentation at the following website .

The full description of camera parameters can be found at the XIMEA website .

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.

See Also