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Captures images from a Roseek device.


bool avl::Roseek_GrabImage_WithTimeout
	Roseek_State& ioState,
	int inTimeout,
	int inInputQueueSize,
	avl::RoseekImageFormat::Type inImageFormat,
	atl::Optional<avl::RoseekResolutionMode::Type> inResolutionMode,
	const atl::Optional<avl::Box>& inROI,
	atl::Optional<float> inFrameRate,
	atl::Optional<avl::RoseekWorkingMode::Type> inWorkingMode,
	atl::Optional<int> inSensitivityLevel,
	atl::Optional<avl::RoseekExposureMode::Type> inExposureMode,
	atl::Optional<int> inExposureTime,
	atl::Optional<float> inGain,
	atl::Conditional<avl::Image>& outImage,
	atl::Conditional<int>& outFrameID


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState Roseek_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inTimeout int 10 - 3600000 Maximum time to wait for frame in milliseconds
inInputQueueSize int 1 - 1000 3 Number of incoming frames that can be buffered before the application is able to process them
inImageFormat RoseekImageFormat::Type Image pixel format
inResolutionMode Optional<RoseekResolutionMode::Type> NIL Set resolution of image
inROI const Optional<Box>& NIL Set resolution region. Has effect only if resolution mode is ROI.
inFrameRate Optional<float> 0.1 - 400.0 NIL Requested camera frame rate in frames per second
inWorkingMode Optional<RoseekWorkingMode::Type> NIL Working mode of image acquisition
inSensitivityLevel Optional<int> 0 - 3 NIL Sensitivity level of camera sensor
inExposureMode Optional<RoseekExposureMode::Type> NIL Exposure mode, should be set to Manual if you want to adjust inExposureTime manually
inExposureTime Optional<int> 0 - NIL Camera frame exposition time
inGain Optional<float> 0.0 - 36.0 NIL Camera exposure gain
outImage Conditional<Image>& Captured frame
outFrameID Conditional<int>& Captured frame ID

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.