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Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path.


void avl::CreatePolygonRegion
	const avl::Path& inPolygon,
	atl::Optional<const avl::CoordinateSystem2D&> inPolygonAlignment,
	int inFrameWidth,
	int inFrameHeight,
	avl::Region& outRegion,
	atl::Optional<avl::Path&> outAlignedPolygon = atl::NIL


Name Type Range Default Description
inPolygon const Path&
inPolygonAlignment Optional<const CoordinateSystem2D&> NIL Adjusts the polygon to the position of the inspected object
inFrameWidth int 0 - Width of the created region's frame
inFrameHeight int 0 - Height of the created region's frame
outRegion Region& Output region
outAlignedPolygon Optional<Path&> NIL The input polygon transformed to the absolute coordinate system


The operation creates a region containing pixels lying inside the shape described by inPolygon.

The inFrameWidth and inFrameHeight parameters most often should be set equal to the dimensions of the image this region will be used with. If the input polygon exceeds these dimensions, the output region will be cropped.


  • Remember to set inFrameWidth and inFrameHeight inputs to specify the region frame.



  • inPolygon has to be a closed path, otherwise an error with appropriate description occurs.


Error type Description
DomainError Open path on input in CreatePolygonRegion.
DomainError Output region too big in CreatePolygonRegion.

See Also