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Enhances contrast of an image so that it appears sharper.


void avl::SharpenImage
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	float inContrastFactor,
	avl::SmoothImageMeanKernel::Type inKernel,
	int inRadiusX,
	atl::Optional<int> inRadiusY,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImage const Image& Input image
inContrastFactor float 0.0 - 1.0f Value representing the strength of the contrast enhancement
inKernel SmoothImageMeanKernel::Type Kernel shape
inRadiusX int 0 - 1 Nearly half of the kernel's width (2*R+1)
inRadiusY Optional<int> 0 - NIL Nearly half of the kernel's height (2*R+1), or same as inRadiusX
outImage Image& Output image


This filter increases the contrast of the image by multiplying by inContrastFactor the difference between a pixel value and its corresponding pixel value in the smoothed input image:

\[ \begin{aligned} outImage[i,j] &= inImage[i,j] + inContrastFactor \times (inImage[i,j] - smoothedImage[i,j]) \\ \end{aligned} \]


SharpenImage run on example image with inContrastFactor = 2.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.


Error type Description
DomainError Not supported kernel on input in SharpenImage.