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Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values.


void avl::DifferenceImage_Shifted
	const avl::Image& inImage1,
	const avl::Image& inImage2,
	const avl::Box& inBox1,
	const avl::Box& inBox2,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Default Description
inImage1 const Image& First input image
inImage2 const Image& Second input image
inBox1 const Box&
inBox2 const Box&
outImage Image& Output image


The operation computes the absolute difference between image pixels inside the input boxes. Each outImage pixel is equal to the absolute value of difference between corresponding pixels of the input images:

\[\forall_{i,j} \text{OutImage}_{i,j} = |\text{InImage1}_{i + box1.x,j + box1.y} - \text{InImage2}_{i + box2.x,j + box2.y}|\]

In multichannel (color) images each pixel channel is processed separately.

The operation requires that the images being processed have equal format and the input boxes have equal dimensions, otherwise an error with appropriate description occurs. To alter the pixel type of an image one can use ConvertPixelType filter. ConvertToMultichannel and AverageChannels filters allow to alter the number of image channels.


DifferenceImage_Shifted performed on the sample images.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE2 technology for pixels of types: UINT8, SINT8, UINT16, SINT16, REAL.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.


Error type Description
DomainError Image formats are not the same in DifferenceImage_Shifted.
DomainError Not equal box dimensions in DifferenceImage_Shifted.
DomainError Input boxes are not completely inside the input images in DifferenceImage_Shifted.

See Also