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Captures Surface from Gocator device.


bool avl::Gocator_GrabSurface
	Gocator_State& ioState,
	const atl::Optional<avl::GocatorAddress>& inAddress,
	int inInputQueueSize,
	avl::Surface& outSurface,
	atl::Conditional<avl::Image>& outSurfaceIntensity,
	avl::GocatorFrameInfo& outFrameInfo


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState Gocator_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inAddress const Optional<GocatorAddress>& NIL Gocator Device identifying IP address (e.g. "") or serial number (e.g. "SN:17335")
inInputQueueSize int 1 - 200 Number of incoming frames that can be buffered before the application is able to process them
outSurface Surface&
outSurfaceIntensity Conditional<Image>&
outFrameInfo GocatorFrameInfo&


Device identification

When there is only one device connected, the field inAddress can be set to Auto. In this situation, the first available device will be used.

inAddress can be used to pick one of multiple devices connected to the computer. inAddress can be set to:

  • IP Address - Gocator Device identifying IP address (e.g. "")
  • Serial Number - Gocator Device serial number with "SN:" prefix (e.g. "SN:17335")

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.

See Also