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Returns a sample 3D surface.


void avl::TestSurface
	TestSurfaceState& ioState,
	const avl::PlainType::Type& inPointType,
	const float& inDensity,
	const float& inScaleX,
	const float& inScaleY,
	const float& inScaleZ,
	avl::Surface& outSurface


Name Type Range Default Description
ioState TestSurfaceState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inPointType const PlainType::Type& Int16 Type of single point Z coordinate
inDensity const float& 1.0 - 20.0 4.0f Density of points in output object
inScaleX const float& 0.001 - 1.0f Scaling of output object on X axis
inScaleY const float& 0.001 - 1.0f Scaling of output object on Y axis
inScaleZ const float& 0.001 - 1.0f Scaling of output object on Z axis
outSurface Surface& Output object