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Changes radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point.


void avl::RescaleArc
	const avl::Arc2D& inArc,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Point2D&> inReferencePoint,
	float inScale,
	bool inInverse,
	avl::Arc2D& outArc


Name Type Default Description
inArc const Arc2D&
inReferencePoint Optional<const Point2D&> NIL The point to which the distance of the arc center is changed (no change by default)
inScale float 1.0f Scaling factor
inInverse bool Switches to the inverse operation
outArc Arc2D&


RescaleArc performed on the sample arc, inReferencePoint = auto, inScale = 2.0 and inInverse = false.


Error type Description
DomainError inScale cannot be zero in an inverse scaling in RescaleArc.