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Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.


void avl::PointAlongPath
	const avl::Point2D& inPoint,
	const avl::Path& inAxis,
	avl::Axis::Type inAxisType,
	float inAxisCoordinate,
	bool inInverse,
	avl::Point2D& outPoint


Name Type Default Description
inPoint const Point2D& Input point
inAxis const Path& Input axis path
inAxisType Axis::Type Y Type of axis the input axis path is parallel to
inAxisCoordinate float 0.0f Coordinate of the axis path
inInverse bool True Switches to the inverse operation
outPoint Point2D& Transformed point


Error type Description
DomainError Empty path on input in PointAlongPath.

See Also