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Moves an arc from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.


void avl::AlignArc
	const avl::Arc2D& inArc,
	const avl::CoordinateSystem2D& inAlignment,
	bool inInverse,
	avl::Arc2D& outAlignedArc


Name Type Default Description
inArc const Arc2D&
inAlignment const CoordinateSystem2D& Coordinate system to align to
inInverse bool Switches to the inverse transform
outAlignedArc Arc2D&


AlignArc aligns the inArc to the inAlignment coordinate system. The input arc is translated, rotated and scaled.

The inAlignment is usually a coordinate system found by some template matching algorithm.


AlignArc performed on the sample arc. The inAlignment is drawn on the first image in blue.

See Also