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Linearly interpolates between two paths.


void avl::LerpPaths
	const avl::Path& inPath0,
	const avl::Path& inPath1,
	const float inLambda,
	avl::Path& outPath


Name Type Range Default Description
inPath0 const Path&
inPath1 const Path& First input path
inLambda const float - - 0.5f Interpolation between the input paths where 0.0 value is equal to inPath0 and 1.0 to inPath1
outPath Path& Output path


LerpPaths performed on red inPath0 and blue inPath1 with inLambda = 0,25. Green is the resulting outPath.

LerpPaths performed on red inPath0 and blue inPath1 with inLambda = -1,0. Green is the resulting outPath.


Please note that:
  • interpolation begins at inPath0,
  • for positive inLambda values interpolation is performed in the direction of inPath1 while for negative - in the direction of a path which is the result of the following operation: (inPath0 - inPath1), in example a path consisting of inPath1 points mirrored by the corresponding inPath0 points.
Hence when inLambda = 0,0, outPath is equal to inPath0, while for inLambda = 1,0 it's the same as inPath1 and for inLambda = -1,0 - as (inPath0 - inPath1). Other inLambda values interpolate between the input paths and beyond.


Error type Description
DomainError Numbers of points in paths are not the same in LerpPaths
DomainError Open and closed paths on input in LerpPaths