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BoxToRectangle2DConverts a box to a rectangle.
BoxToShapeRegionConverts a box to a shape region.
Circle2DToShapeRegionConverts a circle to a shape region.
Gap1DToSegment2DConverts a gap to a segment.
ImageToImageFormatConverts an image to an image format.
IntegerToPixelConverts an integer value to pixel.
LensDistortionToMatrixReturns LensDistortion as a Matrix of distortion coefficients.
LocationArrayToPoint2DArrayConverts an array of locations to an array of points.
LocationToPoint2DConverts a location to its center point.
PathToPoint2DArrayConverts a path to an array of points.
Point2DArrayToLocationArrayConverts an array of points to an array of locations.
Point2DToLocationConverts a point to a location its contained within.
Point3DGridToPoint3DArrayConverts a grid of points to an array of points.
ProfileToRealArrayConverts a profile to an array of real numbers.
RealArrayToPixelArrayConverts an array of real values to an array of pixels.
RealArrayToProfileConverts an array of real numbers to a profile.
RealToPixelConverts a real value to pixel.
Rectangle2DToShapeRegionConverts a rectangle to a shape region.
RegionToImageConverts a region to an image.
Segment2DToLine2DConverts a segment to a line.
Segment2DToPathConverts a segment to a path.
StringLabelToStringConverts a StringLabel object to a String.
Stripe1DToSegment2DConverts a stripe to a segment.
SurfaceToImageConverts a surface object to an image.
SurfaceToPoint3DArrayConverts a surface object to an array of points.
SurfaceToPoint3DGridConverts a surface object to a grid of points.
SurfaceToSurfaceFormatConverts a surface to a surface format.