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Calculates the world plane for the given sets of corresponding 2D and 3D points.


void avl::CalibrateWorldCoordinates
	const atl::Array<avl::Point2D>& inImagePoints,
	const atl::Array<avl::Point3D>& inWorldPoints,
	float& outResolution,
	avl::Position3D& outWorldPlane,
	float& outError,
	atl::Array<avl::Point2D>& outCorrectedImagePoints,
	atl::Array<avl::Point3D>& outCorrectedWorldPoints


Name Type Default Description
inImagePoints const Array<Point2D>&
inWorldPoints const Array<Point3D>&
outResolution float&
outWorldPlane Position3D& Calibrated world plane
outError float& Average distance between provided points and points found on calibration plane
outCorrectedImagePoints Array<Point2D>& Points projected to the found plane
outCorrectedWorldPoints Array<Point3D>& World points found using output plane


  • Select at least four points on an image for which you know the real-world coordinates. Put these values into inImagePoints and inWorldPoints inputs.
  • Use the values of outResolution and outWorldPlane outputs for transforming coordinates from image to real-world units. Use these with functions such as PointToWorldCoordinates.
  • Please note, that this filter should not usually be executed in each iteration. It is even advisable to store its results in global parameters and disable the filter for the production system.


Error type Description
DomainError At least 4 points are required in CalibrateWorldCoordinates
DomainError Number of points in inImagePoints and inWorldPoints must be equal in CalibrateWorldCoordinates