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Splits the input region into a fixed-size array of regions corresponding to individual characters.


void avl::SplitRegionIntoExactlyNCharacters
	const avl::Region& inRegion,
	const int& inCharacterCount,
	const int& inCharacterSpacing,
	const float& inProjectionSmooth,
	atl::Conditional<atl::Array<avl::Region> >& outRegions,
	atl::Array<avl::Region>& diagClasses,
	avl::Profile& diagProjection


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegion const Region& Region which contains characters
inCharacterCount const int& 1 - Character count in provided region
inCharacterSpacing const int& 0 - Spacing size between characters
inProjectionSmooth const float& 0.0 - 1.0f Projection smoothing value used to remove noises from character region
outRegions Conditional<Array<Region> >& Output array of regions containing separated characters
diagClasses Array<Region>& Regions that contain location of split characters
diagProjection Profile& Profile of region projection used to distinguish characters


Error type Description
DomainError Value of inCharacterCount is greater than inRegion frame width.
DomainError Value of inCharactersSpacing is greater than single character width.