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Known Issues

In this section you will find solutions to known issues that we have came across while testing communication between Adaptive Vision products and different camera models through GigE Vision.

Imaging Source Cameras

There might be problems with image acquisition from Imaging Source cameras through GigE. It's caused by the implementation (regarding caching and packet size) of GigE Vision standard in those cameras and as a result no image can be seen in Adaptive Vision Studio (the previews are empty during program execution).

To resolve this issue, a camera restart (this has to be done only once, after you encounter the problem with image acquisition) and changing some parameters in Adaptive Vision GenAPI configuration are required. Parameters which should be changed are:

  • Enable GenAPI Cache (should be set to False),
  • Disable Packet Size Negotiation (should be set to True),
  • Enable Constant Packet Size (should be set to False).

You can change these parameters in the GigEVision Application Settings Tree (Tool » Manage GigE Vision Devices... » Tools » Application Transport Settings). Make sure that each of the three parameters mentioned above is set to the proper value in this tree.

Changing parameter values in GenICam Settings Tree

Flir Cameras

There might be problems with image acquisition from Flir cameras through GigEVision. It is caused by the implementation (regarding image trailer data) of the GigE Vision standard in those cameras and as a result no image can be seen in Adaptive Vision Studio (the previews are empty during program execution).

To resolve this issue a parameter change in Adaptive Vision GenAPI configuration is required. Parameter which should be changed is:

  • Enable Ignore Gev Image Trailer data (should be set to True).

You can change these parameters in the GigEVision Application Settings Tree (Tool » Manage GigE Vision Devices... » Tools » Application Transport Settings). Remember to revert this changes before working with different devices as it can prevent some cameras from working properly in some modes.

Point Grey Cameras

It is recommended to use a fixed IP address in the computer to which the camera is connected. Using DHCP may result in long time before the camera is ready to use after connecting. Typically it is two minutes.

For more information please refer to the article about the GigE Vision Device Manager.

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