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Select a filter from the list below.

AccessXmlNodeGets information from the XmlNode object.
ReadFromXmlNodeReads an element from an XML node.
StringToXmlNodeParses text as an XML tree.
WriteToXmlNodeSaves an object to an XML node.
Xml_AddChildNodesAppends new children nodes to the XML node.
Xml_AddChildNodes_OfArrayAppends new children nodes to the XML node.
Xml_AppendAttributesAppends new attributes to the node.
Xml_CreateNodeCreates a new XmlNode.
Xml_GetBoolAttributeGets a node attribute value as Bool.
Xml_GetChildNodeGets a node child.
Xml_GetIntegerAttributeGets a node attribute value as Integer.
Xml_GetNodeTextGets the text form the selected node.
Xml_GetRealAttributeGets a node attribute value as Real.
Xml_GetStringAttributeGets a node attribute value as String.
Xml_LoadFileLoads an XML tree from the file.
Xml_SaveFileSaves an XML DOM tree to the file.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsBoolsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsIntegersSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsRealsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsStringsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodesSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsBoolsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsIntegersSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsRealsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsStringsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsBoolSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsIntegerSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsRealSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsStringSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeSelects a node from the XML tree using an XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsBoolSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsIntegerSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsRealSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsStringSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SetAttributesSet attribute values which were selected using XPath request.
Xml_SetNodeValuesSet attribute values which were selected using XPath request.
XmlNodeToStringConverts an XML tree to the string.