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Trains SVM model

Name Type Description
inSvmModel SvmModel Initialized SVM model
inVectorArray RealArrayArray Training data vector array
inAnswerArray IntegerArray Correct classes for data vectors
outSvmModel SvmModel Trained model
outTrainingAccuracy Real Accuracy of prediction on training set


The operation trains an SVM classifier initialized beforehand by SVM_Init function. It takes two arrays as arguments:

  • inVectorArray, an array of data points with known classes
  • inAnswerArray, an array of classes where the corresponding data points belong

Those two arrays have to be of the same size. Moreover, there have to be at least two classes within the training data set.

The output outSvmModel is an SVM_Model that may be used by SVM_ClassifyMultiple function.

outTrainingAccuracy is the fraction of correctly classified training data points.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Incorrect or uninitialized SvmModel in Svm_Train.
DomainError Incompatible array sizes in SVM_Train
DomainError SM model is already trained in SVM_Train.
DomainError Data vector cannot be empty in SVM_Train.
DomainError Incompatible vector sizes in SVM_Train.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Expert Complexity Level.

See Also