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AccessLinearFunctionReturns coefficients of a linear function.
AverageComputes the average of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
LinearRegressionComputes linear regression of given point set.
LinearRegression_LTEComputes linear regression of given point set using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
LinearRegression_MComputes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
LinearRegression_RANSACComputes linear regression of given point set using RANSAC.
LinearRegression_TheilSenComputes linear regression of given point set using TheilSen algorithm.
MakeLinearFunctionCreates a linear function with given coefficients.
MedianComputes the median of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
NthValueComputes n-th smallest value in an array (0-indexed). The array must be not empty.
PearsonCorrelationComputes Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The array must be not empty.
QuantileComputes the specified quantile of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
StandardDeviationComputes the standard deviation of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
Statistics_OfArrayComputes basic statistical information out of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
Statistics_OfLoopComputes basic statistical information out of real numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.
VarianceComputes the variance of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.