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Computes the elongation factor of a region ( perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0 ).

Name Type Description
inRegion Region Input region
outElongation Real


Elongation is a measure of how long the shape is in relation to its width. The perfect circle has the minimal elongation equal to 1.0, while the upper bound doesn't exist. The operation internally approximates the region with an ellipse, and then computes the result as: Where L denotes the longer axis of the approximating ellipse, and S denotes the shorter one.


  • If the input region is not guaranteed to be non-empty, precede this filter with SkipEmptyRegion.


Elongation of the sample region equals to 1.702.

Elongation of the sample region equals to 3.168.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also