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Computes the area of a region divided by area of its convex hull.

Name Type Description
inRegion Region Input region
outConvexity Real


Convexity is a measure of how close a region is to being convex. Convex regions have convexity equal to 1.0, while the more concave the region is, the closer to 0.0 is its convexity.

Mathematically, the convexity is calculated as follows:


  • If the input region is not guaranteed to be non-empty, precede this filter with SkipEmptyRegion.


Area of the sample region (on the left) equals to 2345, while area of its convex hull (on the right) equals to 40357, so the RegionConvexity run on the sample region would produce the result 2345/40357 = 0.058 .


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Degenerate region on input in RegionConvexity.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also