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Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest.

Name Type Description
inProfile Profile Input profile
inCyclic Bool Indicates whether the last element should be considered a neighbour of the first element
inExtremumType ExtremumType Type of extremum to find
inInterpolationMethod ProfileInterpolationMethod When interpolation is set to Quadratic each non-plateau minimum is located using a parabola fit
inConsiderPlateaus Bool Indicates whether the result should include centers of plateau minima
inMinValue Real* Minimum value of an extremum
inMaxValue Real* Maximum value of an extremum
outExtremumIndices IntegerArray Indices of the profile values representing each minimum
outExtremumPoints RealArray Precise location of the profile minima
outExtremumValues RealArray Value of each minimum

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.