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Path Spatial Transforms

Select a filter from the list below.

AlignPathRequired when there is a path defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignPathArrayRequired when there are paths defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
FitPathToPathRotates and shifts a path to minimize average distance between its points and a reference path.
PathAlongArcUsually used to revert an ImageAlongArc transformation.
PathAlongPathUsually used to revert an ImageAlongPath transformation.
RescalePathTranslates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePathArrayTranslates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
ReversePathReverses the order of points in a path.
RotatePathRotates a path clockwise around a center point.
RotatePathArrayRotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point.
ShiftPathMoves every vertex of path along bisector of the angle between incident segments.
TranslatePathTranslates a path by a vector.
TranslatePathArrayTranslates an array of paths by a vector.
TransposePathFlips and rotates a path so that x-coordinates are exchanged with y-coordinates.