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Creates multilayer perceptron model.

Name Type Range Description
inHiddenLayers IntegerArray* Internal structure of MLP network
inActivationFunction ActivationFunction Type of activation function used to calculate neural response
inPreprocessing MlpPreprocessing Method of processing input data before learning
inRandomSeed Integer* 0 - Number used as starting random seed
inInputCount Integer 1 - MLP network input count
inOutputCount Integer 1 - MLP network output count
outMlpModel MlpModel Initialized MlpModel


Filter initializes and sets structure of the MlpModel.

Image: Internal structure of MlpModel. Function f denotes the inActivationFunction.

Parameter inHiddenLayers represents number of neurons in consecutive hidden layers.

The parameter inActivationFunction is a function used to calculate internal neuron activation.

The weights of the multilayer perceptron are initialized by a random numbers. Their values depend on inRandomSeed value.

Parameters inInputCount and inOutputCount defines network inputs and outputs count.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Expert Complexity Level.

See Also