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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Imago Technologies » VisionBox_RS232WriteNBytes


Sends byte array through RS232 port.

Name Type Description
inBytesToWrite IntegerArray


This filter is simple wrapper over Rs232::WriteNByte SDK function. Refer to AGE-X SDK to see how to use this function properly.


Precondition for use of VisionBox filters is to have Imago Technologies AGE-X SKD installed on target computer. AGE-X SDK provides filters with necessary libraries (DLL files) and drivers. After installation of AGE-X SDK, system restart may be required.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Values of inBytesToWrite array has to be between 0 a 255

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Adaptive Vision Studio Professional version.