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Writes an image sequence to a video file one frame per iteration.

Name Type Range Description
inImage Image Current frame
inFile File File path of the output file
inFourCC VideoEncoderName Four-character code, designating which codec to use
inFPS Real* 1.0 - 500.0 Requested frame rate of the produced video file


The operation saves the sequence of images passed onto its inImage port to an AVI file using the selected video encoder. Available encoders represented by theirs fourCC codes can be obtained using GetAvailableVideoCompressors filter. Please note, that no encoder is shipped with Adaptive Vision products, and to use this filter correctly additional, third party software has to be installed. Examples of freely available video encoders:

  • Cinepak - legacy encoder that should be available on nearly every Windows-based machine, as it comes bundled with the Video for Windows for x86 platform.
  • FFDShow - configurable encoder supporting various formats. The newest version can be obtained from the website When used with Windows 10, only x86 version is working.
  • Xvid - popular, modern encoder available at

The filter requires that the selected file has an .avi extension. If the selected file does not exist, it will be created on filter execution. If the selected file does exist, it will be overwritten.

The filter produces the resulting video by putting together frames at rate of one frame per iteration. As the FPS of the produced avi file is fixed (at the value of inFPS), the resulting videos may appear as sped up (if the iteration time was longer than 1/inFPS of a second) or slowed down (if the iteration time was shorter than 1/inFPS of a second).


This filter uses external components, which can open additional windows or require initial configuration. Please, consult your codecs vendor in case of any troubles.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Empty FourCC code. If no FourCCs codes are available, please install external codecs.
DomainError Empty path inFile in WriteVideo.
RuntimeError An runtime error occurred during video writing. This is probably caused by faulty codec.Error message
RuntimeError An runtime error occurred during video writing. This is probably caused by faulty codec. Try to use different codec

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Adaptive Vision Studio Professional version.

See Also