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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Image Drawing » DrawShapeRegions_SingleColor


Draws ShapeRegion objects on an image with a single color.

Name Type Description
inImage Image Input image
inShapeRegions ShapeRegion?Array?
inShapeRegionAlignment CoordinateSystem2D*
inColor Pixel
inDrawingStyle DrawingStyle
inForceRgb Bool Filter will convert monochromatic image to RGB if needed
outImage Image Output image


  • Connect an image source to the inImage input. Drawing will be done on this image.
    • If you want to draw on an empty background, use EmptyImage filter before.
  • Define inShapeRegions. This will be the primitives to be drawn.
  • Define inColor. Please note, that on an N-channel image only first N components of the color will be used.
  • Set inForceRgb to True, if you want to get a 3-channel output regardless of what is on the input.


Example usage of the DrawShapeRegions_SingleColor on an empty image.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of DrawShapeRegions filter group.

See Also