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Image Basics

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AccessImageReturns individual fields of an image.
CreateImageFromPoint3DGridAllows for creating depth image from an ordered cloud of points.
EmptyImageCreates a uniform image.
GetImageColumnExtracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image.
GetImagePixelReturns a single pixel of an image.
GetImagePixel_InterpolatedSub-pixel sampling of an image.
GetImageRowExtracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image.
ImageBoxProduces the box of image dimensions
ImageCharacteristicPointReturns a characteristic point of image.
ImageToMatrixConverts a single-channel image to a matrix.
JoinProfilesIntoImageUsually used for merging 3D profiles into a depth image.
JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeriesUsually used for merging 3D profiles into a depth image.
MakeImageConverts a pixel array to a single-channel image.
MatrixToImageConverts a matrix image to a single-channel real image.
RealignImagePitchCreates a new image with a standard pitch alignment.
SetImageColumnAllows for creating images from calculated real values. It is significantly slower than SetImageRow.
SetImagePixelSets a pixel of an image to the selected value.
SetImageRowAllows for creating images from calculated real values.
TestImageMakes it possible to quickly present results of various image processing filters.