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Segments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.

Name Type Range Description
inImage Image Image from which blobs are extracted
inRoi Region* Range of pixels to be processed
inStdDev Real 0.0 - Smoothing standard deviation for the smaller Gaussian kernel
inStdDevRatio Real 1.0 - Defines how many times larger is the second Gaussian kernel
inKernelRelativeSize Real 0.0 - 3.0 A multiple of the standard deviation determining the size of the Gaussian kernel
inThresholdParams IntensityThresholdParams Parameters for thresholding an image
inRegionProcessingParams RegionProcessingParams Parameters for opening and closing of a region
inBlobSplittingParams BlobSplittingParams Parameters for splitting region into blobs
outBlobs RegionArray Blobs extracted from the input image
diagBlobAreas IntegerArray Areas of extracted blobs
diagBaseRegion Region Region of pixels right after thresholding


This filter can be used to quickly segment an image by thresholding Difference of Gaussians. It performs a series of operations on inImage:


ExtractBlobs_DoG performed on the sample image with inStdDev = 6.0 and inThresholdParams.MaxIntensity = -4.0.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of ExtractBlobs filter group.

See Also