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Gets parameter of type Bool from GigEVision device.

Name Type Description
inAddress GevAddress GigE Vision Device identifying address (IP, MAC or Serial Number)
inParameterName GevParameterName Name of GenICam parameter node to access
inVerifyAccess Bool True to verify GenICam parameter access state before every read
outValue Bool Value retrieved from device parameter


This filter is intended for cooperation with GigE Vision® compliant devices. Its purpose is to get a value of device parameter using GenICam interface. Filter can be used to access device registers, stream chunked data or event message data.

Warning: Retrieving parameter from uncached device register may be a time consuming operation that produce blocking network packets exchange at every filter execution.

This filter does not require other GigE Vision® filters in program (especially GigEVision_GrabImage is not obligatory), but can be used in any combination with them, including sharing access to single device with other filters. Device also does not have to be a transmitter.

Device address (inAddress port) is a textual definition of either IP, MAC or serial number. Use Device Manager (click "..." button in filter properties) to select appropriate address of connected device. For information on address type meaning and selecting device address see Device manager section in user manual.

This filter will interpret the value of inAddress port only during the first iteration of its parent Task, when the connection to the device is established. During the next iterations the filter will use previously established connection and subsequent changes in the device address will be ignored.

Parameter name (inParameterName port) must be an ID of GenICam parameter exported by device. Each device model can have different parameter names and its meanings. Refer to device documentation and use GenICam settings browser (click "..." button in filter properties) to select appropriate name of parameter (see: Device settings editor section).

Name of parameter must point to readable GenICam parameter providing "IBoolean" interface or error will be raised upon program run.

For general information about working with GigE Vision devices, please refer to the following article.


  • Interactively select a camera available in your network by defining the inAddress input.
  • Choose inParameterName from those supported by your camera.
  • The parameter value read from the camera will be available on the outValue output.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Adaptive Vision Studio Professional version.

Filter Group

This filters is member of GigEVision_GetParameter filter group.

See Also