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Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.

Name Type Range Description
inPoints Point3DArray
inOutlierSuppression MEstimator
inClippingFactor Real 0.675 - 6.0 Multitude of standard deviation within which points are considered inliers
inIterationCount Integer 0 - Number of iterations of outlier suppressing algorithm
inInitialPlane Plane3D* Initial approximation (if available)
outPlane Plane3D
outInliers Point3DArray Points matching the computed plane
outDistances RealArray Distances of the input points to a resulting plane
outSignedDistanceSum Real Sum of signed distances of the input points to a resulting plane
outDistanceSum Real Sum of distances of the input points to a resulting plane
outSquaredDistances RealArray Squared distances of the input points to a resulting plane
outSquaredDistanceSum Real Sum of squared distances of the input points to a resulting plane


Finding a locally optimal plane. Good enough when the number of outliers is small.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Empty point array on input in FitPlaneToPoints_M.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of FitPlaneToPoints filter group.